February 18, 2021
IMD 2021 interactive map: time to announce your events! Network

Have you already planned a special event or programme for International Museum Day, like many other cultural institutions around the globe? Add yours to ICOM’s new interactive map for the whole world to see.
With the COVID crisis going on for almost a year now, this interactive map has taken on a new meaning: it not only allows you to promote the events organised by museums for International Museum Day, celebrated every year on May 18, but also to experience these events from a distance, wherever you are. On International Museum Day 2020, more than 3,000 online and offline events were accessible on this map!
New! This year, a tag allows you to select on-line / on-site events.
Have a look on the new interactive map on WeMap.
To participate, all you have to do is complete the following form on OpenAgenda.
For more information: https://imd.icom.museum or imd@icom.museum