April 6, 2021
International Museum Day 2021 reading list

Like every spring, International Museum Day is coming up. We want to explore four topics around the main theme: “The Future Of Museums: Recover and Recreate”, and suggest you a reading list from Museum International to prepare for the biggest museum celebration!
Digital transformation (focus: education)
Museum educators are among the most affected by the pandemic. Digital technologies offer countless opportunities to interact and engage with our publics, and collaborations between the worlds of culture and education can bring benefits to both, stimulating – among other things – critical thinking, active citizenship and well-being.
Museum International
- Rereadings: Highlighting the Gender Perspective Through Hypermedia
- Women’s Museums in Kazakhstan: Prospects in the New Digital Age
- Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange of Digital Technologies in Cultural Heritage Institutions
- Successful Strategies for Dealing With New Technology in Museums
- Derivative Narratives: The Multiple Lives of a Masterpiece on the Internet
- The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction
- Digital Pathways in Community Museums
ICOM Voices
- Tokyo 2020 in 2021 The Impact of Postponing the Olympic Games on a Museum’s
- Co-Creation During the COVID-19 Lockdown: My Wachau – Multiple Voices on the World Heritage Site
- Responding to COVID-19: Agile Interpretation at English Heritage
- Art Professionals and the Frenzy of Digitisation
- ‘La Staffetta della Memoria’: Keeping a Participatory Project Afloat in Times of Crisis
Social relevance and sustainability
The post-Covid era will ask museums to focus more on their local communities, developing projects in collaboration with them. Museums must embrace their fundamental role as open, inclusive, democratic spaces for sharing and dialogue.
Museum International
- Educating Epistemic Justice and Resistance Through the Feminist Museum Hack: Looking and Acting with Another Eye
- Museums as Tools for Sustainable Community Development: Four Archaeological Museums in Northern Peru
- Towards Cultural Democracy: Museums and their Communities
- Heritage Communities, Participation and Co‐creation of Cultural Values: The #iziTRAVELSicilia Project
- A New Model in an Old Village: The Challenges of Developing an Ecomuseum
- Open‐Air Museums As Mediators for Intergenerational Transmission: Taking As Example Two Ethnographic Open‐Air Museums in Georgia and Ukraine
- Guovtti ilmmi gaskkas. Balancing Between Two Contested Worlds: The Challenge and Benefits of Being an Indegenous Museum Professional
- The City Museum as an Empathic Space
- Redefining National Museums in Nigeria for Social Inclusion and Cohesion: The NCMM Perspective
ICOM Voices
- A Strange Queer Body: the Museum of Sexual Diversity in São Paulo, Brazil
- Community Museums as Cultural First Responders
- Reverse Inclusion During Lockdown. The Experience of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
- Community Engagement during COVID-19 at the House of Memory Museum, Medellín
- Despierta Hermano Community Museum in Malalhue – A Space for Cultural Empowerment and Inclusion
Climate action
Museums are uniquely placed to support the achievement of the UN SDGs. As trusted sources of knowledge, cultural institutions and their collections can help us negotiate our way between the world we have, and the future we want, using the Sustainable Development Goals as a set of common challenges.
Museum International
- Nature Represented: Environmental Dialogue in Finnish-Karelian Historical Museums
- When Global Changes Hit Home: Museums as Catalysts for Local Development
- Living Heritage: Digital Ecomuseums in the Terre di Siena
ICOM Voices
- How Museums in Botswana are Contributing to the Fight Against Climate Change
- Sustainability Management in Museums: A new Approach to Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
- The Sustainable Development Goals: Helping Transform our World Through Museums
New business models
The cultural sector has been one of the most affected by the global pandemic, but it also brought forward change and innovation. This moment calls for new approaches to cultural experience, new ways of fruition, new partnerships, new skills.
Museum International
- Constructing Solidarity Economy-based Livelihoods
- Museum Professionals in a Digital World: Insights from a Case Study in Portugal
- Coworking Spaces, Accelerators and Incubators: Emerging Forms of Museum Practice in an Increasingly Digital World
- Can Museums Keep Up With a Changing World? Skills Management as a Practical Response
- Museums and Heritage Collections in the Cultural Economy: The Challenge of Addressing Wider Audiences and Local Communities